{tooltip}Customer Relationship Management-An Overview{end-texte}Abstract – Creating loyal customer is at the heart of every business. Without customers you don’t have a business. Creating customers is one thing and managing relationship with them is totally different thing. Customers are the reason for the existence of any business. The aim of this paper is to analyze the importance of customers, how do companies view customers, to know how the successful companies manage their relationship with customers, what strategies these companies follow while managing their relationship with customers.{end-tooltip}
Deepika et al.
{tooltip}Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts, Realities & Challenges in India{end-texte}Abstract – Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in nothing new as it dates back to the time of Koutilya & is embedded in Indian culture but certainly it is an idea which was not given that much emphasis which it commands now. This article attempts to examine & to develop a comprehensive meaning of CSR, understanding it in today’s corporate scenario which is rapidly changing & also to understand various challenges posed to or by CSR. CSR is now one of the widely talked about topics in modern world but no unified definition has yet been made, this is due to various differences existing from one country to the other or even within the same countries having a variety of cultures like in India so the article gives an insight of the debatable topic as to what CSR is?. This article also gives an insight of the recent policy change in respect of CSR with the introduction of mandatory provisions-Section 135 on CSR in Companies Act 2013.{end-tooltip}
Nishant Sharma
{tooltip}Emergence of CSR under Companies Act 2013 & its Impact{end-texte}Abstract – Legal framework and authorities in India has recently shown the necessity for inclusion of socially unprivileged sections of the society in India’s growth story, the new company law of 1 has come up with a mandate for giant corporates to shell out at least two per cent of their three years annual average profits towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Probably the law is the first of its kind in Indian history to recognize the scope of utilizing corporate strengths towards fulfilling country’s social obectives. Going by the new norms, the two per cent spending on CSR is not mandatory but reporting about it is mandatory. Proper disclosure of the CSR policy by the corporates, reasons for not meeting the required expenditure and various activities that may be included in the CSR agenda of the companies are on the board in the new CSR provisions. The study is carried out to find out the effect of new Companies Act 2013 on CSR activities of the companies.{end-tooltip}
Ms. Saher Sayed
{tooltip}International Experience of Healthcare Financing with Special Focus on India{end-texte}Abstract – Good health is one of the most precious assets of human resource in the country. According to WHO (2005) “a good healthcare system would be one that raises the status of the people and promotes their well being by enabling them to access quality and affordable healthcare.”World Health Organization (WHO) states that ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. It is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. Good health is one of the most precious assets of human resource in the country. A good healthcare system would be one that raises the status of the people and promotes their well being by enabling them to access quality and affordable healthcare. The author wants to highlight via this reviewed article; titled ‘International Experience of Healthcare Financing with special focus on India’ that the healthcare financial experiences with special reference to India. {end-tooltip}
Rachna Mathur
{tooltip}Emerging Importance of Employee Engagement in HR{end-texte}Abstract – The term employee engagement has gained popularity over the past twenty years. Employee engagement is a vast construct that touches almost all parts of human resource management. The meaning of employee engagement is ambiguous in the organization. Employee engagement makes organizations develop the culture of engagement at work as a priority for organization. It is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. It is a positive attitude held by the employees towards the organization and its values.
Employee engagement is very important to enterprises development and helpful for achieving success. It contributes to promote the organization productivity, profits and customer satisfaction, furthermore to reduce turnover and trouble of occurrence. The modern business competition is substantially the competition of human resources. Developing the employee’s potential ability well by raising employee engagement is a magic weapon with which a modern business enterprise obtains success. Engaged employees are emotionally attached to their organization and highly involved in their job with a great enthusiasm for the success of their employer, going extra mile beyond the employment contractual agreement.{end-tooltip}
Ann Paul Aynickal
{tooltip}Nature and Pattern of Crop Diversification in West Bengal{end-texte}Abstract – The present article analyses the nature of crop diversification in terms of the changes in cropping pattern with respect to acreage and production distribution. From both the aspects of area and production it is observed that over the time span of three decades the cropping pattern in West Bengal is increasingly dominated by boro paddy, oilseeds (including, rapeseed and mustard) and potato. Pulses, as a whole, have lost both in terms of acreage and production in West Bengal. The indices of diversification mostly indicate an increasing degree of crop diversification over time.{end-tooltip}
Kamalika Majumder
{tooltip}Mobile Networking in the Internet{end-texte}Abstract – Computers accomplished of ascribing to the Internet from numerous spaces are likely to grow in popularity until they dominate the population of the Internet. Subsequently, protocol investigation has shifted into high gear to develop appropriate network protocols for supporting mobility. This preliminary article challenges to outline some of the many promising and thought-provoking research directions. The papers in this superior issue indicate the assortment of belvederes inside the research communal, and it is part of the determination of this summary to frame their place within the inclusive investigation extent. {end-tooltip}
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